Source: Oizom Instruments Pvt. Ltd.
We are excited to inform you that we will be exhibiting at the World Environment Expo 2022. It is scheduled from 04 - 06 June 2022, in New Delhi.
We cannot wait to meet you and share our insights into making monitoring Air quality better.
Mr. Samarpit Garg and Ms. Kinjal Soni from the India Sales team, along with Mr. Ayyan Karmakar will be present to answer any of your queries.
So, make sure you say hello when you walk by! :)
The month of May in 2022 has been bountiful beyond measure. Meeting our friends across the globe has been an enriching experience. We wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
We are excited to see what awaits us in the next month.
Meanwhile, feel free to follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Youtube to know what we have been up to. Reach out to us anytime on these platforms.
Hope to see you soon.
New York Environmental Health project selects UK Air Quality Monitor
South Coast Science is delighted to announce the Praxis/Urban is currently in use as part of a CIEH (Chartered Institute of Environmental Health) funded project, taking place in New York City. It aims to support communities most at risk due to environmental pollutants and uses a Praxis/Urban unit to review data output from lower-cost, consumer level particulate monitors. Professor Charlie Mydlarz selected the Praxis/Urban for this pilot project, which is part of his work at the NYU Center for Urban Science and...
OSHA Announces Regional Emphasis Program and MSHA Launches New Initiative Targeting Respirable Crystalline Silica
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ENVEA presents a new continuous Indoor Air Quality Monitor sensor for Dust Exposure
The AirSafe PM is a new measuring instrument to monitor particulate matter exposure such as PM1, PM2.5, PM4.25, PM10 and TSP in indoor ambient air. The AirSafe PM is used to monitor safety levels of air quality for personnel as well as to optimize process and dust control systems. The measured data can also be used by health and safety departments to be proactive in reducing PM concentration and exposure. Using a high-end optical system, the AirSafe PM monitors the air flowing through the device, counting...
Identifying and Mitigating Asbestos Exposure Risks to Protect Workers and Building Occupants
Thousands of different building materials and products containing asbestos were once commonly used in the United States. This went on for decades and some of these materials can still be found in schools, hospitals, office buildings, factories, and even ships. The mere presence of an asbestos-containing material is not an immediate threat necessarily. However, if the material has become friable with age, it could release fibers into the air. This can also happen if the material is disturbed, an all too common...
World premiere: ENVEA air quality monitors get the US-EPA approval for installation and use with the optional solar panel system
As a forerunner in its field, ENVEA is the first manufacturer on the market to offer its complete range of e-Series air quality monitors also with 24V power supply. Eco-designed, ultra-compact and QAL 1 certified, these gas and particle analyzers have a very low energy consumption. They are capable of withstanding temperatures of up to 45-50°C without air conditioning and without connection to the electrical network.
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